Hello, my name is Alisha Washington. I saw in that you have suffered a loss in the family and I wanted to share my condolences. There is a scripture in the bible that will bring you comfort during this trying time, that scriptures is found at John 5:28 which reads "Do not marvel at this, because the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out." It is our privilege as Jehovah's Witnesses to share in a work that is being done by volunteers in upward of 200 lands. In all these lands, people are being invited to benefit from a program that helps people learn the Bible’s answers to such important questions as: Why do we die? What is the purpose of life? How can you find real happiness? I m writing this because I'm genuinely interested in people and beleive the bible can answer questions. It is my hope that this scripture console you and that someday soon I will be able to talk to you personally. Please feel free to get in touch with me at a7sise_jw@hotmail.com or visit www.watchtower.org Sincerely, Alisha Washington